package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.udapsoft.waf.system.Biz; import com.udapsoft.waf.system.HandlerStorage; public class MessageSend extends Biz { public MessageSend(HandlerStorage storage) { super(storage); } public void doBiz() throws Exception { } public void sendEmail(String toEmail, String sendUser, String mailSubject, String subSubject, StringBuffer mailContent) throws Exception{ sendEmail( toEmail, sendUser, mailSubject, subSubject, mailContent, null); } /** * 이메일 전송 메소드(Javamail 사용) * @param user * @param from_email * @param to_name * @param to_email */ public void sendEmail(String toEmail, String sendUser, String mailSubject, String subSubject, StringBuffer mailContent, String gubun) throws Exception{ Date today=new Date(); SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String date = formater.format(today); // 메일서버 정보와 실제 서버의 주소를 가져온다. RowSet smtpInfo = getSmtpInfo(); String smtpIp = smtpInfo.getRow(0).get("CHG_CODE01"); String smtpUser = smtpInfo.getRow(0).get("CHG_CODE02"); String smtpPw = smtpInfo.getRow(0).get("CHG_CODE03"); String link = smtpInfo.getRow(0).get("CHG_CODE04"); String linkPortal = smtpInfo.getRow(0).get("CHG_CODE05"); sendUser = smtpInfo.getRow(0).get("CHG_CODE06"); /* RowSet userInfo = getUserInfo(sendUser); String fromEmail = userInfo.getRow(0).get("E_MAIL"); String fromName = userInfo.getRow(0).get("USER_NM"); String fromDuty = userInfo.getRow(0).get("A_DUTY"); String fromDept = userInfo.getRow(0).get("DEPART_DEPT_NM"); String fromTel = userInfo.getRow(0).get("TEL_NO"); */ Properties properties = new Properties(); // Properties 객체 설정 properties.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp"); // SMTP 프로토콜 사용 properties.put("", smtpIp); // 메일서버 주소 설정 properties.put("mail.smtp.port", "25"); // 메일서버 포트 설정 properties.put("mail.smtp.auth", true); // 인증 사용 여부 SmtpAuth auth = new SmtpAuth(smtpUser, smtpPw); // SMTP 인증을 위해서 반드시 필요하다 StringBuffer contentBase = new StringBuffer(); String[] email_domain = toEmail.split("@"); if(gubun == null){ if("HOTMAIL.COM".equals(email_domain[1].toUpperCase())||"GMAIL.COM".equals(email_domain[1].toUpperCase())){ contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append("
\n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append("
\n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); }else{ /*contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" :::협력업체포탈_mailing::: \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n");*/ contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append("
\n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append("
\n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); //contentBase.append(" \n"); } // 2019.11.29 링크버튼 없는 양식 추가 }else if(gubun == "NO_LINK"){ contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append("
\n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append("
\n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); }else{ /*contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" :::전자조달_mailing::: \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n");*/ contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append("
\n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); contentBase.append("
\n"); contentBase.append(" \n"); //contentBase.append(" \n"); } WAFLogger.debug(contentBase); try { Session session = Session.getInstance(properties, auth); // Properties 객체와 auth(인증)객체로 메일전송 세션 생성 MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session); // 메일 객체를 세션을 통해 생성 InternetAddress[] to_address = {new InternetAddress(toEmail)}; // 받는 사람 메일 주소 객체 생성 // msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(sendUser)); // 보내는 사람 메일주소 설정 msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(new String(sendUser.getBytes("euc-kr"), "8859_1"))); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, to_address); // 받는 사람 메일 주소를 메일 객체에 매핑 msg.setContent(contentBase.toString(), "text/html; charset=euc-kr"); // 메일 내용을 설정하며 메일 형식을 HTML로 지정 msg.setSubject(mailSubject,"euc-kr"); // 메일 제목 설정 msg.setSentDate(new Date()); // 보내는 날짜 설정 Transport.send(msg); // 메일 전송 부분 } catch(MessagingException me) { WAFLogger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " --> sendEmail() : \n" + me.getMessage()); WAFLogger.error(me); //throw me; } catch(Exception e) { WAFLogger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " --> sendEmail() : \n" + e.getMessage()); WAFLogger.error(e); //throw e; } } /** * 이메일 전송 메소드(Javamail 사용) * @param user * @param from_email * @param to_name * @param to_email */ public void sendSMS(String sendAddress, String recvAddress, String sendUser, String mailContent) throws Exception{ try{ conn.begin(); //2015.3.6 변경 /*RowSet userInfo = getUserInfo(sendUser); if (userInfo.size() > 0 && !userInfo.getRow(0).get("TEL_NO").isEmpty()){ recvAddress = userInfo.getRow(0).get("TEL_NO").replaceAll("-", ""); } */ recvAddress = recvAddress.replaceAll("-",""); if(recvAddress.trim().equals("")){ recvAddress = "024899000"; } if(!sendAddress.equals("")){ PersistentImpl persistent = new PersistentImpl(conn.getConnection()); StringBuffer smsInsert = new StringBuffer(); smsInsert.append(" INSERT INTO T_SEND(NREGID, \n"); smsInsert.append(" NSVCTYPE, \n"); smsInsert.append(" NADDRTYPE, \n"); smsInsert.append(" SADDRS, \n"); smsInsert.append(" NCONTSTYPE, \n"); smsInsert.append(" SCONTS, \n"); smsInsert.append(" SFROM \n"); smsInsert.append(" )VALUES( \n"); smsInsert.append(" UMSBIZ_SENDSEQ.NEXTVAL, \n"); smsInsert.append(" 3, \n"); smsInsert.append(" 0, \n"); smsInsert.append(" ?, \n"); smsInsert.append(" 0, \n"); smsInsert.append(" '"+mailContent+"', \n"); smsInsert.append(" ? \n"); smsInsert.append(" ) \n"); persistent.setStatement(smsInsert.toString()); persistent.addParameter(sendAddress); persistent.addParameter(recvAddress); persistent.execute(); persistent.clearParameters(); } }catch(Exception e){ WAFLogger.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); conn.setRollback(); }finally{ conn.end(); } } private RowSet getSmtpInfo() throws Exception{ Search search = new SearchImpl(); RowSet rowSet = new RowSetImpl(); StringBuffer sqlstr = new StringBuffer(); try { sqlstr.append(" SELECT CHG_CODE01 \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,CHG_CODE02 \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,CHG_CODE03 \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,CHG_CODE04 \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,CHG_CODE05 \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,CHG_CODE06 \n"); sqlstr.append(" FROM EBID_COM910T A \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,EBID_COM911T B \n"); sqlstr.append(" WHERE A.BASECD = B.BASECD \n"); sqlstr.append(" AND A.BASECD = 'EMAIL' \n"); sqlstr.append(" AND B.DETAILCD = '001' \n"); search.setStatement(sqlstr.toString()); rowSet = search.execute(); } catch(WAFSQLException se) { Logger.err.println("SQL : \n" + se.getStatement()); Logger.err.println("PARAM : \n" + se.getParameter()); throw se; } finally { if( rowSet == null ) rowSet = new RowSetImpl(); return rowSet; } } public RowSet getUserInfo(String acctId) throws Exception{ Search search = new SearchImpl(); RowSet rowSet = new RowSetImpl(); StringBuffer sqlstr = new StringBuffer(); try { sqlstr.append(" SELECT BUSEO \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,GRADE_NAME \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,USER_NAME \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,TEL_NO \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,HAND_TEL_NO \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,E_MAIL \n"); sqlstr.append(" FROM PUB0120T \n"); sqlstr.append(" WHERE ACCT_ID = "+acctId+" \n"); search.setStatement(sqlstr.toString()); rowSet = search.execute(); } catch(WAFSQLException se) { Logger.err.println("SQL : \n" + se.getStatement()); Logger.err.println("PARAM : \n" + se.getParameter()); throw se; } finally { if( rowSet == null ) rowSet = new RowSetImpl(); return rowSet; } } //메일 메세지 가져오기 public RowSet getMailMessage(String detailCd) throws Exception { Search search = new SearchImpl(); RowSet rowSet = new RowSetImpl(); StringBuffer sqlstr = new StringBuffer(); try { sqlstr.append(" SELECT CHG_CODE01 AS TITLE \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,CHG_CODE02 AS SUBTITLE \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,CHG_CODE03 \n"); sqlstr.append(" ||CHG_CODE04 \n"); sqlstr.append(" ||CHG_CODE05 AS CONTENTS1 \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,CHG_CODE06 AS CONTENTS2 \n"); sqlstr.append(" FROM EBID_COM911T B \n"); sqlstr.append(" ,EBID_COM910T A \n"); sqlstr.append(" WHERE A.BASECD = B.BASECD \n"); sqlstr.append(" AND A.BASECD = 'EMAIL_CONT' \n"); sqlstr.append(" AND B.DETAILCD = '"+detailCd+"' \n"); search.setStatement(sqlstr.toString()); rowSet = search.execute(); } catch(WAFSQLException se) { Logger.err.println("SQL : \n" + se.getStatement()); Logger.err.println("PARAM : \n" + se.getParameter()); throw se; } finally { if( rowSet == null ) rowSet = new RowSetImpl(); } return rowSet; } }