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주간보고작성 팝업추가

DESKTOP-HMLPH8S\kim 2 years ago

+ 3 - 0

@@ -17,4 +17,7 @@ public class CW09010001USearch extends BaseSearchDto {
 	private String atchfileId;
 	private String atchfileId;
 	private String workMonth1;
 	private String workMonth1;
 	private String workMonth2;
 	private String workMonth2;
+	private String searchData1;
+	private String searchData2;

+ 2 - 0

@@ -35,4 +35,6 @@ public interface CW09010001UMapper {
 	void updateZehrWeekWorkAtchfileId(CW09010001U cW09010001U);
 	void updateZehrWeekWorkAtchfileId(CW09010001U cW09010001U);
 	int selectZehrWeekWorkAtchfileIdCount(CW09010001U cW09010001U);
 	int selectZehrWeekWorkAtchfileIdCount(CW09010001U cW09010001U);
+	List<EasyHashMap<String, Object>> selectZehrWeekWorkDeptCdList(CW09010001USearch search);

+ 4 - 0

@@ -131,4 +131,8 @@ public class CW09010001UService {
 		return result;
 		return result;
+    public List<EasyHashMap<String, Object>> selectZehrWeekWorkDeptCdList(CW09010001USearch search) {
+        return mapper.selectZehrWeekWorkDeptCdList(search);
+    }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -54,4 +54,9 @@ public class CW09010001UController {
     public Map<String, String> updateZehrWeekWorkAtchfileId2(@RequestBody CW09010001U cW09010001U) {
     public Map<String, String> updateZehrWeekWorkAtchfileId2(@RequestBody CW09010001U cW09010001U) {
     	return service.updateZehrWeekWorkAtchfileId2(cW09010001U);
     	return service.updateZehrWeekWorkAtchfileId2(cW09010001U);
+    @PostMapping("/CW09010001U/selectZehrWeekWorkDeptCdList")
+    public List<EasyHashMap<String, Object>> selectZehrWeekWorkDeptCdList(@RequestBody CW09010001USearch search) {
+        return service.selectZehrWeekWorkDeptCdList(search);
+    }

+ 40 - 0

@@ -202,5 +202,45 @@
           AND DEPT_CD 					= #{deptCd}
           AND DEPT_CD 					= #{deptCd}
           AND WORK_BASEDATE_FROM 		= #{workBasedateFrom}
           AND WORK_BASEDATE_FROM 		= #{workBasedateFrom}
+    <select id="selectZehrWeekWorkDeptCdList" parameterType="map" resultType="easyHashMap">
+          	/* ComPopupMapper.selectcomDptAllPop */
+		SELECT DEPT_CD,          -- 부서코드            
+		       DEPT_NM,          -- 부서명             
+		       --MANAGER_NO,       -- 부서장 사번          
+		       --HDOF_SITE_GB_CD,      -- 본사현장 구분         
+		       --TAXOFFICE_CD,     -- 세무서코드           
+		       STA_DATE,         -- 시작일             
+		       END_DATE,         -- 종료일             
+		       --WORKKIND_CD1,     -- 공종분류            
+		       --WORKKIND_CD2,     -- 공종코드            
+		       P_DEPT_CD,        -- 상위 부서코드         
+		       DEPT_LEVEL,       -- 부서레벨            
+		       --ORG_YN,           -- 조직도유무           
+		       USE_YN,           -- 사용여부            
+		       --ORDER_COMP,       -- 발주처             
+		       --CONST_SCALE,      -- 공사규모            
+		       PHONE,            -- 전화번호            
+		       FAX,              -- 팩스번호            
+		       POST_CD,          -- 우편번호            
+		       ADDRESS,          -- 주소              
+		       ADDRESS_DETAIL,   -- 상세주소            
+		       COST_DEPT_CD,     -- 소속본부            
+		       DIST_DEPT_CD,     -- 원가배분부서          
+		       DIST_DEPT_NM,     -- 원가배분부서          
+		       SAUP_DEPT_CD,     -- 사업부회계코드         
+		       SAUP_DEPT_NM,     -- 사업부명            
+		       --RATE_DEPT_FLAG,   -- 본사현장구분(급여원가배분구분)
+		       USE_YN,            -- 사용 여부     
+		       HDOF_SITE_GB_CD   --본사현장 구분                
+		 WHERE CMPN_CD = #{cmpnCd}
+		   AND (DEPT_CD LIKE '%' || #{searchData1} || '%' OR DEPT_NM LIKE '%' || #{searchData1} || '%')
+           <if test='searchData2 != null and searchData2 != ""'>
+		   AND USE_YN = #{searchData2}
+           </if>
+           AND LENGTH(DEPT_CD) NOT IN ('2')
+     </select>

+ 351 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
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+		<!--
+			**************************************************************************
+			* Program ID:/ux/cw/cw0901/CW09010001P.xml
+			* Program Name:부서정보팝업
+			* Description:부서정보팝업 화면입니다.
+			* Author:김현중
+			* Version:2022-09-28
+			*
+			* ========================================
+			* 변경일자 수정자 내 용
+			* ========================================
+			* 2022-09-28 SDCIT 최초작성
+			**************************************************************************
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+						<w2:column id="deptCd" name="부서코드" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="deptNm" name="부서명" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="managerNo" name="부서장 사번" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="fieldClass" name="본사현장 구분" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="taxofficeCd" name="세무서코드" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="staDate" name="시작일" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="endDate" name="종료일" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="workkindCd1" name="공종분류" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="workkindCd2" name="공종코드" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="pDeptCd" name="상위 부서코드" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="deptLevel" name="부서레벨" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="orgYn" name="조직도유무" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="useYn" name="사용여부" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="orderComp" name="발주처" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="constScale" name="공사규모" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="phone" name="전화번호" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="fax" name="팩스번호" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="postCd" name="우편번호" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="address" name="주소" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="addressDetail" name="상세주소" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="costDeptCd" name="소속본부" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="distDeptCd" name="원가배분부서" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="distDeptNm" name="원가배분부서" dataType="text"></w2:column>
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+						<w2:column id="saupDeptNm" name="사업부명" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="rateDeptFlag" name="본사현장구분(급여원가배분구분)" dataType="text"></w2:column>
+						<w2:column id="hdofSiteGbCd" name="본사현장구분" dataType="text"></w2:column>
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+				</w2:dataList>
+			</w2:dataCollection>
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+		</xf:model>
+		<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * [1] 초기화
+     **************************************************************************/
+    /***************************************************************************
+     * 함수명:scwin.initScreen
+     * 기능:공통코드,각종 필요 코드조회, 권한 등 세팅
+     ***************************************************************************/
+    scwin.initScreen = function() {
+        var popParam = popupLib.getPopupParam();
+        scwin.param = JSON.parse(strLib.serialize(popParam));
+        txtDept.setValue(scwin.param.searchData1);
+        if(scwin.param.searchData1) {
+	        scwin.grdSearch();
+        }
+    };
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * [2] 전역변수 선언
+     **************************************************************************/
+    scwin.obj = popupLib.getScwinObj();                             //부모창 scwin 객체 필수
+    scwin.user = WebSquare.session.getAttribute( "user" );          //사용자 정보 객체 필수
+    scwin.cmpnCd  = scwin.user.cmpnCd;                              //회사코드 필수
+    scwin.userId  = scwin.user.userId;                              //사용자ID 필수
+    scwin.prgId = scwin.obj.prgId;                                  //프로그램ID 필수
+    scwin.sysCd = scwin.obj.sysCd;                                  //시스템코드 필수
+    scwin.sysAuth = WebSquare.session.getAttribute( scwin.sysCd );  //시스템권한 필수
+    scwin.prgAuth = scwin.obj.prgAuth;                              //프로그램권한 필수
+    scwin.param;
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * [3] Event 정의
+     * 조회 추가 저장 엑셀 출력 도움말 즐겨찾기 등 버튼목록
+     * scwin.btnSearch_onclick - 조회 버튼 클릭 이벤트
+     * scwin.btnClose_onclick - 닫기 버튼 클릭 이벤트
+     **************************************************************************/
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Event:scwin.btnSearch_onclick
+     * 기능:조회 버튼 클릭
+     **************************************************************************/
+    scwin.btnSearch_onclick = function(e) {
+        scwin.grdSearch();
+    };
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Event:scwin.btnClose_onclick
+     * 기능:닫기 버튼 클릭
+     **************************************************************************/
+    scwin.btnClose_onclick = function(e) {
+        popupLib.closePopup();
+    };
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * [4] Callback
+     **************************************************************************/
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * [5] 사용자정의 함수
+     **************************************************************************/
+    /***************************************************************************
+     * 함수명:scwin.txtDept_onkeypress
+     * 기능:부서명 입력박스 키 입력 시 처리
+     * param:e
+     ***************************************************************************/
+    scwin.txtDept_onkeypress = function(e) {
+        if(e.key=="Enter"){
+            scwin.grdSearch();
+        }
+    };
+    /***************************************************************************
+     * 함수명:scwin.grdSearch
+     * 기능:조회
+     ***************************************************************************/
+    scwin.grdSearch = function(){
+        var dept = txtDept.getValue();
+        var useYn = rdoUseYn.getValue();
+        ajaxLib.ajax("cw/cw0901/CW09010001U/selectZehrWeekWorkDeptCdList", {
+            method: "POST",
+            processMsg:"yes",
+            requestData : {
+               cmpnCd : scwin.cmpnCd,
+                searchData1 : dept,
+                searchData2 : useYn
+            },
+            callback: function(result, e) {
+                dlDpt.setJSON(result);
+                grdData.setFocusedCell( 0 , "deptCd" , false );
+            }
+        });
+    };
+    /***************************************************************************
+     * 함수명:scwin.grdData_oncellclick
+     * 기능:그리드 선택 시 처리
+     * param:row,col
+     ***************************************************************************/
+    scwin.grdData_oncellclick = function(row,col) {
+        txtDept.setValue( dlDpt.getCellData( grdData.getFocusedRowIndex() , "dptNm" ) );
+    };
+    /***************************************************************************
+     * 함수명:scwin.grdData_oncelldblclick
+     * 기능:그리드 더블클릭 시 처리
+     * param:row,col
+     ***************************************************************************/
+	scwin.grdData_oncelldblclick = function(row,col) {
+        popupLib.closePopup(dlDpt.getRowJSON( row ));
+	};
+    /***************************************************************************
+     * 함수명:scwin.grdData_onkeydown
+     * 기능:그리드 키 다운 시 처리
+     * param:e
+     ***************************************************************************/
+	scwin.grdData_onkeydown = function(e) {
+        if(e.key == "Enter"){
+            scwin.grdData_oncelldblclick(grdData.getFocusedRowIndex(),0);
+        }
+	};
+	]]></script>
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+					<xf:group tagname="tr" style="">
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+						<xf:group tagname="th" style="" class="w2tb_th">사용여부</xf:group>
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+									<xf:item>
+										<xf:label><![CDATA[사용]]></xf:label>
+										<xf:value><![CDATA[Y]]></xf:value>
+									</xf:item>
+									<xf:item>
+										<xf:label><![CDATA[미사용]]></xf:label>
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+								value="부서 명">
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+								value="부서 구분코드" hidden="true">
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+								value="예산 통제 대비 부서" hidden="true">
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+								value="예산 편성 승인 부서" hidden="true">
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+								value="부서 종류 구분코드" hidden="true">
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+								value="원가종류 구분코드" hidden="true">
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+								value="원가지원 구분코드" hidden="true">
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+								value="원가배분 사업장 코드" hidden="true">
+							</w2:column>
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+								value="업장 구분코드" hidden="true">
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+								value="업장 공통 여부" hidden="true">
+							</w2:column>
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+								value="사용 여부" hidden="true">
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+							</w2:column>
+							<w2:column width="300" inputType="text" style="height:20px" id="deptNm" blockSelect="false" displayMode="label"
+								textAlign="left">
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+ 2 - 2

@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
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@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@
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